Old, cracked golf grip that needs to be regripped.

When to Change Golf Grips

The golfer's only connection to the golf club is the grip, yet it is often neglected. Every golfer should know when to change golf grips,  and how to determine when it's necessary.

Rule of Thumb for Regripping Your Clubs

A good starting point for most golfers is changing grips once a year or approximately after every 40 rounds (or trips to the range). It's important to note that this is just a starting point, as several variables can impact the lifespan of grips. Factors such as exposure to sunlight and temperature extremes can all play a role.

Visual Inspection

A simple look-over can help determine if a grip needs changing. If a grip appears shiny and has visible cracks, it's time for a change. A shiny grip may prevent the golfer from confidently swinging the club, as it could potentially slide or twist in their hand.

Texture Concerns

The texture of a grip is crucial for maintaining a solid hold on the club. When the grip becomes hard, the golfer may have to grip the club higher, leading to tension in the forearms and a negative impact on the overall swing. Fresh grips, in contrast, feel light and give the golfer a sense of confidence.

Tips for Extending Grip Life

  • Regularly clean grips with simple soapy water to have a material impact on their lifespan, preventing the build-up of dirt, grime, and oils from the hand. Light scrubbing can help maintain the texture and prevent it from becoming shiny. Sunlight exposure can have a detrimental impact on grip lifespan.
  • Returning clubs to the bag, covering grips with a towel, or minimizing prolonged exposure to UV can extend the life of grips.

     To learn how to change your own grips, please read "How to Regrip Your Golf Clubs"

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